Emmy the Empath by Anneli Rufus – Second instalment.

emmy the empath 3


A new chapter has been posted for the Emmy the Empath series.

You can find it here.



7 responses to “Emmy the Empath by Anneli Rufus – Second instalment.”

  1. saeed Avatar

    It was a perfect story… Public transportations are the worst thing ever! I try to take classes that are not in the morning so at least I wouldn’t have to take a bus filled with people at 6am… My second biggest dream is to live near a beautiful beach and away from big cities..

    Thank you for the great story!


  2. ChickenLittleBrowne Avatar

    Actually I wrote a piece called, “How Facebook Changed My Outlook On Life”. You might read it. Perhaps that’s how you found me haha…


    1. Gary Leigh Avatar

      Please feel free to link it here so others may read it ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. ChickenLittleBrowne Avatar

    Thank you for following me. I just caught up with new followers on my own blog and you were one of them. I can totally relate to Emmy as I am an empath as well. Thanks for writing this gem. I truly appreciate it and look forward to reading more and delving into your blog. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Gary Leigh Avatar

      Thanks. It’s not my work, but it’s a repost of someone who had a good handle on being an Empath. Well worth checking out ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Aakanksha Avatar

    I am so sensitive & tenderhearted who try level best to umderstand feelings,demands of others and by fufilling it feel satisfied. But noone cares about my feelings even those for whom i sacrificed everying are not ready to spend few minutes or speak few words. But everyone expect help in their misries. Now its ending point of my life that i think .without love, attachment i am feeling to pay homage to this beautiful world. Without mistake everyone expect from me to stop travelling in life-journey. Why? Dont know… I am ambituous but no ambition is yet fulfilled till the age of 33. Can u give me feeling of happiness?


    1. Gary Leigh Avatar

      Generally, we tend to judge ourselves by how other people treat and react to us. It’s wise not to let them define who you are and their reality.


Got your own experiences or comments? I’d love to see them.